
Pre New Year's Assessment

A farewell...
2011 was the Year of Plumbing Disasters and we are not sad to see it go.
We had 2 frozen pipes in January, lost 1 hot water heater in February and the second 2 weeks later as March rolled in. Before the end of winter we also had replaced the shower head. By the end of April we had replaced a toilet and had to clear a blockage in our sewer main, a job which required tearing up flooring in the basement and Dave's nephew up to his shoulder in sewage, yay! Sometime during the summer the kitchen sink started to leak and we patched the drain hole with putty that failed. We have been living with a heavily dripping sink since then. We have a vague plan to renovate the kitchen, but I haven't found the new sink I want yet.
So glad this year is over...

Thinking about food

Local Food and Local Farms

It is hard to do in the Northeast.
A very small part of the country with less farmland every day.
Short growing season and not a lot of hothouse production.
This year I hope to grow a lot of food in the teeny urban yard.

Thinking about food

Local Food and Local Farms

Not quite a year...

After talking with some "influential" family members, I am back on the keys for this blog.
First thing will be a lot of updates sourced from my Facebook page. I am going to try to date them appropriately as well.
Look forward to the suspense and the excitement of our Home Depot roofing fiasco.
This is a saga that STILL continues, though we were promised a one day job in April 2010.
Hear the jaw dropping tale of our broken water pipes and dead hot water heaters as well.

To bring you back down, I will bring over a bunch of cooking that I was going to place on another blog, but I think I'ma (my favorite contraction=I am going to) just put it all here. I really can't manage more. It'll just all stay PG-13 I guess.
I can keep the trash on Facebook!